How to Do Your Makeup for a Headshot Photoshoot

Headshot photograph of a woman

Having your photo taken, especially if it is a headshot, can be nerve-wracking. It can make you more conscious than ever since the camera and the shot are mainly focused on your face and hair.

Putting on a little bit of makeup will not hurt. If it makes you feel confident and happy, then by all means, put it on. Here, we will discuss a couple of things you can do if you are doing your own makeup for your headshot photography in Salt Lake City.

Avoid Heavy Makeup

If you are going for a close-up shot, which is often the case for most headshot photography, then you should avoid putting on heavy makeup. There would be no problem putting on heavy makeup if you prefer it that way, but when it comes to close-up photography, the end result might not be that good.

Putting on foundation, concealer, or powder that are way too heavy can make your makeup appear too cakey. You would not want to make your wrinkles and lines more prominent by putting on too much makeup, do you? Just put one layer of foundation, concealer, and powder and avoid putting it on with a heavy hand so you can tone down the thickness.

Use Translucent Powder

Woman applying a translucent powderIf you are getting your close-up picture taken, then your best option would be to use a translucent powder. Loose translucent powder is a great choice since it would not give you a flashback. Most photographers use some type of lighting and a camera flash for their photos, and most of these cameras and lighting will accentuate the brightness on your face.

Avoid using a powder that is too light or too dark for your skin tone, unless you want your face to stand out in the picture for all the wrong reasons.

Do it Lightly

Avoid going ham on your makeup and just put everything lightly. Determine the right type of contour shade and do not put it on with a heavy hand. To be safe, use a brush. Your blush on should also be a neutral shade, as a blush with an orange or red tone can be too harsh when translated into a picture.

Your lipstick shade can be a bit bold, but remember to tone down the eyeshadow and blush on if you want to wear lipstick that has a red or other bold shade. If you already have a bold eyeshadow or blush on, then you might want to go for a nude shade of lipstick to balance everything out.

You can always test how your makeup looks by taking a photo on your mobile phone. Take one inside the house and one outside, where you can take it in natural lighting. You should also take one with flash so you will know if the powder or foundation you used is too light or too dark for you. Ask the photographer if they think your makeup would be okay for the shot. Good luck and enjoy!

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