5 Profitable Business Ideas that Focus on Babies

Looking at baby photos

Looking for a business idea? Consider entering the baby industry.

Babies command some of the biggest global markets today. The global baby care market is projected to reach $8.2 billion by 2026. It’s worth noting that this market only includes baby care products like skin and hair care, toiletries, baby powder, gel wipes, shampoos, soaps, and other personal care products formulated for infants’ delicate skin and hair. The baby food market is another beast that’s expected to grow to $6.75 billion by 2024. As the market name suggests, it only includes prepared, dry, and other kinds of baby food.

There’s a good chance that when you offer something of value that’s aimed at babies, doting parents will be inclined to try it. Infancy, after all, is a precious time. Newborns require round-the-clock care, consuming parents’ waking hours and requiring their attention nearly 24/7. Despite the sleepless nights and fatigue, however, parents cherish this period as they can never have it back.

This explains why things like baby daily journals and baby keepsakes exist. There is always a market for it. As long as parents have disposable income, they will indulge in products and services that will make their child’s infant years more memorable.

On that note, here are some baby business ideas that entrepreneurs could try getting into:

  1. Baby photography services

Photographs taken by professionals will never go out of style. Although anyone can now take high-definition photos using powerful smartphone cameras, there are still parents who like to go through the process of conceptualizing a photoshoot and having an experienced baby photographer take photos of their precious newborn.

  1. Scrapbooking kits


If you have neither the capital for a studio or a professional photographer who’d like to do business with you, you can cater to the needs of parents who’d rather DIY their baby’s milestone photoshoots instead.

You can produce scrapbooking kits filled with crafting materials that parents can use to spruce up their baby’s printed pictures. Custom-designed frames, wooden paper clips, patches, stickers, stamps, paper clips, pins, twine, and colored markers are some examples that you can include in these kits.

The beauty of putting together these kits is you can easily scale up or down and create different price brackets based on the materials included in the package. You can, for example, offer photo-quality printing paper and hand roller stamps instead for a higher price than kits with textured construction paper and regular rubber stamps.

  1. Keepsake preservation and framing services

If you want to raise your base price, offer services for which parents will pay good money for. Special keepsake services are a good example. You can study the best ways to preserve flowers or entire bouquets, for example, and set them creatively in a frame. You can also preserve baby shoes and clothes, toys, hand and footprints, and other items that hold sentimental value for the parents.

  1. Keepsake kits

Do you think that a keepsake preservation and framing service is too niche? You can diversify by selling the very products that parents will pay you to preserve. For example, you can stock up on baby handprint and footprint kits. The more affordable versions consist of the old-school stamp pad and ink, while the kits that fetch a higher price use non-toxic clay to preserve the impressions of a baby’s hands and feet.

Casting kits are also a popular choice. These kits are more often marketed for couples, but there are also variations created specifically for babies (i.e., casting kits that use non-toxic and hypoallergenic molding powder).

Going by the market projections for the baby products and services, it could indeed be a good idea to start a business offering any of the above. While the interest in baby photography services, keepsakes, and other special items and services stays strong, entrepreneurs can take advantage and open a profitable business off of it.

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