Exciting Gardening Updates That Are Making the World Better in 2019

Woman gardening

Ever heard of the term “plant mom” or “dad”? In case you’ve been living under a rock, people are not just calling themselves dog mom or dad, nowadays; those who grow plants are calling themselves the equivalent term of endearment, too. It’s a strange world we’re living in!

Kidding aside, these ardent gardening enthusiasts are fueling the further spread of the green movement that’s sweeping across America. According to a recent study by the National Gardening Association (NGA), 77 percent of households are engaged in gardening. A huge portion of this number is composed of younger households or millennials. Spending on gardening has also reached a record high of $47.8 billion, with households typically spending $504 annually on gardening materials.

If you’re thinking of entering the gardening game, the time is obviously right as an increasing number of people embrace it. Here are some exciting news and trends in the industry at the moment that may just convince you:

Container and indoor gardening are becoming more common. Living in smaller, soil-devoid spaces that are probably located in urban areas are no longer stopping homeowners from gardening. According to the same report by the NGA, container and indoor gardening are growing at an unprecedented pace.

Fertilizers are becoming even more interesting. Worm shells, poultry poo, folic based and sea-kelp containing liquid fertilizer: Manufacturers are definitely upping up the ante lately. If you think composting is a pain, you won’t have to do it at all with ready-made fertilizers.

Public gardening grants are now becoming easier to obtain. If you want to put your time as well as energy into good use, you can definitely volunteer and ask for a grant from your local government to beautify a public area through gardening. Although previously scarce and harder to join a gardening group, the popularity of gardening has made funds and projects more available to enthusiasts.

Growing veggies on your front yard are slowly becoming legalized. Homeowners in Florida can now grow food in their own front lawn after it was legalized. Some areas in the United States may soon follow suit, although it all depends on the local zoning law. In California, for instance, your right to plant on your own land is based on the zoning law, and on a local ordinance that allows you to plant veggies as long as they don’t require a lot of water (more than grass, apparently).

Woman gardening in her lawn

Big or small gardeners can make their lives easier by using landscaping bark. Utah boasts a number of topsoil, compost and mulch providers that cater to homeowners and landscape gardening businesses. These providers often offer bulk orders, but some also accept orders for ala carte products.

Still holding off on gardening? With so many resources on gardening and better product availability today, you don’t have any excuse not to pursue it. Not only are you making your surroundings happy and lively, but you’re also doing the environment good and showing your support of the entire green movement. Get started now.

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