Use Corporate Videos to Boost Your Business and Brand

Business people watching a company video

Company videos are a great marketing tool. They make it easier for people to understand what your company is all about. Fresh video content is also good for your company’s image, and it lets people know that your business is tech-savvy and up-to-date.

Now find out how you can use them to increase web traffic, boost sales, and expand your network. Maximize your corporate videos by taking note of these pointers:

1. Revamp Your Content

Corporate film and video production is not what it used to be. Gone are the days of talking heads and video transitions that look like they were made on PowerPoint. Forget the overly polished videos of the old days. Remember that people want authentic and engaging content. In corporate recruitment videos, for example, it’s best to get testimonials from your employees rather than hire an actor to smile for the camera.

Choose visual and audio elements that best represent your brand’s identity. There are now a wide variety of visuals, sound effects, and musical scores that you can use in your company’s next video. By choosing the right elements, you can create a look that stands out.

2. Hire a Creative Dream Team

Professional video production companies are worth the investment. You are paying for their dependability, speed, and work ethic. While video production may be costly, the return is high-quality content that you would be proud to share on social media. Good content can be shared and re-shared indefinitely.

Video professionals have a fresh perspective, which can be invaluable to your company. They’ve made videos for various industries, so they know which company strengths to feature, and how to feature them in the best way possible.

You can never go wrong by consulting with corporate film production specialists who have won awards and have gained recognition in their industry.

3. Post Regularly

Videos are responsible for two-thirds of internet traffic right now, so you’ve got to keep posting if you want to stay relevant.

Use social media to your advantage. If anyone likes or comments on your post, invite them to follow your business page. In time this will build up your page’s views and followers.

For your company website, search engines will rank you higher than your competitors if you have more web traffic. When posting on social media, make sure to have a link that directs them back to your website if they want to find out more information about your product or service. The more views you have, the more views you’ll get.

You don’t have to produce a brand new video all the time. Take an old but gold company video and repost.

4. Celebrate Internal Events

A crew member arranges furniture whilst the floor manager talks to video cast

Internal company videos are good for employee satisfaction and can be inspiring. It boosts morale and encourages your staff to share it within their social circles. This can expand your company’s network and may draw in high-quality employees in the future. Quality event coverage can also be edited into a year-end highlight video to celebrate your success. These highlight videos can attract and influence new clients and customers.

If you are in a competitive industry, the difference between you and the competition may be the good impressions you leave behind.

The Future of Corporate Videos

Corporate films do not have to be boring. They can be formal and entertaining at the same time. You can use animated explainer videos and motion graphics instead of the usual live action. Again, you can hire corporate video production companies to create a visual style that people will remember. Keep these pointers in mind, and your business will have a unique edge over your competition.

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