Make Your Stay-At-Home Weekends Productive

stay at home

Staying at home doesn’t need to be boring and a waste of time. Although restrictions are mostly lifted and people are free to go out and even travel, it doesn’t mean that you should drop everything. There are still health risks, after all, and we’re advised to keep our distance still.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are three ways to help slow down the spread of the COVID-19 virus: wearing a face mask, maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet from other people, and avoiding crowds.

Parties are definitely not advisable and going to the mall to meet your friends can put you in contact with hundreds of strangers. While you can go around for a safe jog in your neighborhood or go on a hike in the nearest forest park, the safest thing that you can do is to stay at home.

The good news is, this gives you more time and the opportunity to work on other pursuits aside from your job. Weekends spent at home don’t have to be all about binging your favorite TV series. You can set aside a few hours for some activities that can either make you extra money, serve as your creative outlet or contribute to your personal development.

Unleash Your Creative Side

Do you have a knack for painting, craft-making, or journaling? Why not devote a few hours of your week to nurturing your artistic side?

Join an online painting class if you want to learn and develop techniques to make your paintings more impressive. There are free online painting classes that you can join if you want to get a feel of it first. There are online classes that will help you prepare your canvas, teach you how to use acrylic or guide you on how to do an abstract painting.

If you’re into creating new stuff, then try your hand at craft-making. There are so many things that you can do with a sewing machine, threads and needles, glue, colored papers and even empty tin cans. With craft-making, the possibilities are endless. The best part is, you can even make some extra money with them.

If you love to document memories, write down your thoughts and ideas, then journaling is the perfect creative activity for you. You can also choose to write a gratitude journal or a dream journal. If you are a mom, you can have a journal that chronicles your kids’ growth.

Journals can help you organize your thoughts, as well as track your dreams and goals in life.

Blog About Your Interests

If you love to write, have photo-editing skills, and have some interests that you are passionate about, then you can try your hand at blogging. There are ready-made templates that you can use to set up your blog if you are new to it. You can also use online meme generators for some unique content.

If you are more comfortable taking videos and narrating your day, then try vlogging. It is a fun and easy way to share your activities, interests, and travels (keep it local for now). You can even make tutorial videos, unboxing videos, reviews, and so much more.

Be an Online Freelancer

With a stable internet connection and a laptop, you can make extra money on weekends. Check out freelancing platforms where you can take part-time jobs such as writing blogs, graphic design, video editing, website design, online teaching and writing e-books among many others.


Taking a side job can be very beneficial for you. Aside from giving you extra income, you can also develop a skill outside of your day job. Who knows, you may find that it is the right occupation for you after all.

Start A Side Business

You can also dedicate your stay-at-home weekends to run a side business. There are so many possible side businesses that you can do.

If you are into baking, you can take orders for cakes and pastries for the weekend. If you have a house full of stuff and you want to declutter shoes, bags, and dresses that you have not even used, you can sell them online. You will end up with more space in your home plus some additional income.

Create A Garden

A garden has so many health benefits. If you have a small yard or a spacious porch, you can start your own garden. You can choose flowering plants for some colorful blooms, succulent plants, or even vegetables for some fresh produce for your table.

Gardening, however, may require some research, like the right plant for your climate or learning about soil type. Still, it wouldn’t be that hard to grow your own garden.

There are so many things that you can do at home to make your weekends productive while the world waits for the pandemic to finally end. But while staying at home is the best course to stay healthy, you should make the most out of it.


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